The Sapelli platform facilitates mobile data collection across language or literacy barriers through highly configurable icon-driven user interfaces in addition to text-based forms. The platform plays a central role in UCL ExCiteS' mission – which is to develop theories, tools and methodologies to enable any community, anywhere to engage in citizen science.
The Sapelli Collector app cannot function on its own. Similarly to a web browser it needs to load separately prepared content. Instead of web pages the content consists of surveys (called "Sapelli projects"). Sapelli makes as few assumptions as possible about how it is to be used, instead providing a number of building blocks which can be arranged in different ways. These include hierarchical classifications (decision trees), geo-localisation by GPS or other means, photo's, audio & video recording, text input, list selections, etc. Surveys are thus arrangements of such building block and they are described in an XML-based language called Sapelli XML.
A demo survey is available here:
Documentation about Sapelli & Sapelli XML can be found here:
Copyright 2012-2015 University College London – ExCiteS group
Source code licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; and hosted on Github: